Improving productivity

Staying productive in the workplace can be challenging – whether it’s interruptions from colleagues, unnecessary meetings or simply distractions such as social media, it is hard to stay focused on the task at hand. Here are three ways to be more productive in your work day: Take more breaks Although taking more breaks sounds counterintuitive…

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SuperStream checklist

All businesses should now be SuperStream compliant. SuperStream is a standard for processing superannuation data and payments electronically. Employers must pay employee super contributions electronically (EFT or BPAY) and send the associated data electronically under SuperStream. SuperStream ensures the data is in a standard format so it can be transmitted consistently across the super system…

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ATO targeting online selling and ride-sourcing

The Australian Tax Office is collecting data from financial institutions and online selling sites as part of their data matching programs for credit and debit cards, online selling and ride-sourcing. The data will include: the total amount of credit and debit card payments businesses received online sellers who have sold at least $12,000 worth of…

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