Recovering from a blunder

Mistakes happen all the time, and although they can be embarrassing, you can recover from them. Whether the mistake was minor or costly, handling the error with professionalism can save your dignity and credibility. Next time you forget to hit send on that important email, rest assured you can recover quickly by adopting the following…

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Non-arm’s length income from trusts and SMSFs

The ATO is reminding self-managed super funds (SMSFs) of the rules regarding non-arm’s length income from trusts. The non-arm’s length income rules can apply to investments, transactions and other arrangements undertaken by SMSFs when the terms of the relevant investment, transaction or arrangement are uncommercial in nature. If income is distributed from a discretionary to…

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Bitcoin tax scammers

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is warning taxpayers to be aware of scammers impersonating the Tax Office and demanding cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin as payment for fake tax debts. The ATO became aware of these fraudsters late last year with over $50,000 paid in Bitcoin to scammers claiming fake ATO debts. Once scammers receive payment,…

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