How to spot a fake loan

When shopping around for a personal loan, it is wise to be conscious of any potential scammers that may try and offer you a deal that sounds too good to be true. Though a loan may look legitimate from a first glance, there are various tell-tale signs to watch out for to spot a fraudulent…

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Why your business needs a mission statement

A compelling mission statement will give your small business the purpose it needs to grow. In just a few clear and succinct sentences the statement should announce your driving business strategy. However, it is not enough to merely generate a statement and slap it on your website. A mission statement will do little to impact…

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How the new super measures will apply to SMSFs

The Government has introduced new measures to allow SMSF members to access their super for their first home or make contributions to their super from the sale of downsizing their home. SMSFs should be aware of the following: Downsizing From 1 July 2018, SMSF members who are 65 or over and exchange a contract of…

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Focus on work-related car expenses

The Tax Office has flagged work-related car expenses as a concern this tax time. The ATO is targeting those who make mistakes or deliberately lodge false claims. Examples include: – Claiming things they are not entitled to, i.e., private trips such as work to home travel. – Making claims for trips that did not occur.…

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