How to make your website accessible

The key goal for all business websites is to attract as many visitors as possible. However, not many business owners remember to cater their website to those with special needs and disabilities. To make sure your website is accessible for everyone on the internet, here are a few tips to consider. Be mindful of your…

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What to consider when developing a sales strategy plan

A successful sales strategy plan will provide your business with clear priorities, goals, and outcomes that can help you increase sales. Outline your mission and goals What’s your business’ mission statement? What are the goals and objectives that will help you achieve this? Your mission statement should define what your business stands for and what…

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Buying property through your SMSF

Using SMSFs to buy property has become increasingly popular among Australians in recent years, particularly since it became possible for SMSFs to borrow money to fund a direct property purchase. Residential property A residential property owned by an SMSF has some limitations as to who it can be leased to. To buy property through your…

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What is a TPAR and do you need to lodge one?

The Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) is an industry-specific report through which businesses inform the ATO of the total payments made to contractors for services in that financial year. This information is then used by the ATO to match the contractors’ income declarations to improve their compliance efforts. A TPAR is generally required by businesses…

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Using your tax return wisely

Getting your tax refund back is exciting, but as tempting as it is to splurge, consider other ways you can put that money to good use. It is easy to get caught treating your return as extra money when you shouldn’t see it any differently than your regular paycheck. Give the money a purpose by…

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Budget 2018: living stronger

The Government is focused on encouraging older Australians to better grow and secure their personal retirement funds. Retirees exempt from work test An exemption from the work test will be established to allow retired Australians aged between 65-74 who have total super balances below $300,000 in their first year that they do not meet the…

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Consolidating your super

Chances are, if you have had more than one job, you will most likely have multiple super accounts. Having multiple super accounts means more fees and less savings. Consolidating all your super accounts into one account can help you to keep track of your super, reduce unnecessary paperwork, and most importantly, save on costs. The…

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Strategies to manage investment risk

Exposure to risk is a big part of investing and although individuals cannot eliminate risk completely, they can implement strategies to manage risk and achieve their financial goals. Managing investment risk is particularly beneficial in times of increased volatility and unfavourable economic conditions as well as ensuring investors meet their long-term investment goals. Here are…

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