Overview of the transfer balance cap

The transfer balance cap was introduced as part of the reforms to superannuation in the 2016 Federal Budget and will commence on 1 July 2017. The cap applies to the total amount of super that has been transferred into the retirement phase. The cap will start at $1.6 million, and will be indexed periodically in…

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SMSF deadline approaches for limited recourse borrowing arrangements

SMSF trustees have until 31 January 2017 to review their limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBAs) to ensure they are consistent with an arm’s length dealing, or alternatively brought to an end if they are not. The Tax Office recently provided further guidance to SMSF trustees on when the non-arm’s length income (NALI) provisions apply to…

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Salary sacrificing your super

Contributing extra to your superannuation is a good way to boost your retirement funds. One of the ways you can add more to your super is through salary sacrificing. Salary sacrifice is an arrangement with your employer to forego part of your salary or wages in return for your employer providing benefits of a similar…

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Are you short-changing your employees on super?

A new report has revealed around 2.4 million or almost one third of Australian workers are missing out on some or all of their super entitlements and little is being done about it. Under the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) employers must contribute 9.5 per cent into the super account of every worker over the age of…

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Benefits of franking credits in a SMSF

Dividend franking turns 30 in 2017. Despite this, many are unfamiliar with the benefits franking credits can bring, especially to SMSFs. SMSF trustees who invest in Australian shares can benefit from franking credit refunds which can offset the fund’s expenses, such as tax payable or any lump sums. A franking credit, also known as an…

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Government passes ‘fairer’ super changes

The Australian Government has recently passed what it is calling the ‘most significant superannuation reforms in a decade’. The reforms include the introduction of a $1.6 million transfer balance cap, which places a limit on the amount an individual can transfer into the tax-free earnings retirement phase and the introduction of the Low Income Superannuation…

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Succession planning for SMSFs

A mandatory component of managing a self-managed super fund (SMSF) is planning out what will happen to the fund if its trustee was to pass away. While succession planning may not be one of the first responsibilities that comes to mind when managing an SMSF, it is a necessity that can provide certainty and peace…

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The benefits of using a re-contribution strategy

A re-contribution strategy involves withdrawing your superannuation and re-contributing it back into the fund as a non-concessional (after-tax) contribution. It is an easy strategy to implement and can provide significant tax savings for a trustee and their family in the future. This is because the strategy converts the taxable portion of the withdrawn super amount…

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