What you need to know about luxury car tax

Luxury car tax or LCT is a 33% tax on cars that have a value (including GST) above the set threshold. However, the tax is only on the value which is above the threshold.  Businesses and individuals that sell or import luxury cars are required to pay LCT. You can make LCT payments in instalments…

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Repairing errors in your credit score

Your credit score can affect loans and credit you apply for. You are able to have errors on your credit report fixed for free.  The following are typical errors in credit reports, that you are able to get fixed for free. Errors by the credit reporting agency – there may be instances where the agency…

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Business management styles you should avoid

The business management style you adopt will depend on the needs of your business, what motivates your employees, and your style of work. Therefore, you do have some flexibility when it comes to the choices you make and how you manage your business. However, there are some which you should always avoid due to the…

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What is the transfer balance cap?

The transfer cap refers to the amount of money that can be transferred from your superannuation account to your tax-free ‘retirement phase’ account.   At the moment, the transfer balance cap is $1.6 million and all individuals have a personal transfer balance cap of $1.6 million.  Exceeding the personal transfer balance cap means that you have…

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Records you need to keep on rental properties

When you own a rental property, keeping records is important. These will help you meet tax obligations. Generally, only individuals with their name on the title deed declare income and claim expenses.  Remember that the records must be kept in English or should be easily translatable into English, and kept for a minimum period of…

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The types of benefits businesses should consider for their employees

n Australia-wide survey asked employees what benefits they would most want from their employers.  The following are the top 10 benefits: Flexible working Discounts on electricity, gas and water Continued education options Petrol discounts Free meals Supermarket discounts Mental wellness initiatives Subsidised massages, yoga, and gym memberships Special company deals on loans, mortgages, health insurance…

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Choosing investment options in your super

Many Australians ignore the decision of choosing investments for their super and often end up in the ‘default’ option as they make no effort to choose otherwise.  Default options that aim for ‘balanced’ or ‘growth’ investments tend to have 60-80% of funds invested in shares and property. This approach for investment is based on the…

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The amounts you don’t need to include as income

Amounts which are not classified as income are split into 3 categories. Exempt income This is income that you do not pay tax on, although, some exempt income may be taken into account when determining: Tax losses of earlier income years that you can deduct  Adjusted taxable income of dependants Some examples include certain Government…

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