Moving your business online 

In order to keep up with the growing demands of digital accessibility and convenience, many businesses decide to partially or completely move their business online. This can help with extending customer reach beyond the geographical boundaries of a physical business, offering customers easy access to your products or services, scaling and growth, and reducing costs…

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The ATOs ABN cleanup 

The ATO has announced that in October 2019, they will be focusing on the bulk Australian business number (ABN) cancellation program. This program will be cancelling ABNs that the ATO is confident are inactive in an attempt to create cohesion within the Australian Business Register (ABR). There are a few areas the ATO looks into…

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Contractor obligations for business owners

Contractors bring with them different obligations that business owners need to comply with. Employers that incorrectly classify employees and contractors can face hefty penalties and charges as well as claims for entitlements and superannuation contributions. It must be established whether they are employees or contractors to get tax and super requirements right. When hiring an…

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Knowing when to cut a product

Businesses looking to improve their profitability may need to consider cutting under-performing products and services that are unnecessarily draining resources. It might be time to discontinue if a product fits the following scenarios: Low profitability. Stagnant or declining sales volume or market share. Maintaining your market share is too costly. Risk of technological elimination. Poor…

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What employment type is best for your business?

Each employment type has different entitlements and obligations that must be met by both the employer and employee. Before hiring a new worker, take the time to look at what each employment type would mean for you and your business. Full-time and Part-time employees:Though both permanent employees, a full-time employee will work an average of…

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Budget-friendly ways to promote your small business

Promoting your business can seem tricky to navigate and expensive, especially when there are budget and staff restrictions to think about. However, there are a number of ways to promote your business easily and cost-effectively. Blog content:Posting well-written and relevant blog content on your website can help boost website traffic while capturing the trust and…

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Dealing with a bad day at work

Bad days can happen to the best of us, but that doesn’t stop work from needing to get done. Whilst working when you’re feeling down is the last thing you want to do, here are a few ways to pick yourself up and carry on with tasks you need to do. Take a break:Stepping away…

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Hiring working holiday makers

In Australia, there are approximately 100,000 working holiday makers employed each year. Any employer can hire working holiday makers provided they meet the requirements to do so. Employers must confirm the working holiday maker has a valid visa subclass, either 417 (Working Holiday) or 462 (Work and Holiday). Register:Employers will need to register to apply…

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