Putting a price on your products

Pricing a business’s products or services can be a difficult task, even for the most experienced business person. This is because the price a business charges its customers can have a direct effect on the success of the business, no matter the type of product or service being sold. Getting your pricing right can enhance…

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Building your brand on a budget

Many business owners would agree that there are more important things to spend money and time on than simply building their business’s brand. However, having a strong brand is often quite vital to a business’s success. Effective brands – e.g. Coca-Cola, Nike, Bonds etc. – can make businesses stand out from the competition and gain…

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What to consider before rebranding your business

Branding can help small businesses stand out from the competition and gain customer loyalty – but only if it is effective. Businesses with brands that are confused, outdated or simply not appealing to the eye can hurt a business’s reputation and even repel customers. Businesses suffering from a branding problem may need to look at…

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Growing your business

It can be difficult for small businesses to grow their customer base beyond the realms of the local community. Generating new business, however, is fundamental to business success, no matter how challenging it may seem. Here are three ideas small businesses can do to help keep their local customer base strong, while at the same…

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Managing customer complaints

Customer complaints are an inevitable part of running a business. Managing customer complaints helps to retain existing customers and improve overall customer service. It is crucial to deal with complaints in an appropriate manner as poorly handled complaints can see customers withdraw their business and encourage others to do so too. Here are four tips…

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Tips for a productive office space

A well-designed office space is an effective yet inexpensive way to increase productivity levels and improve employee engagement. Healthy office environments are centered around communication, interaction and flexibility between all staff. Here are a few ways to boost your office space to maximise productivity:LightingWorkplace daylight, outdoor views and a view of the surrounding area can…

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Claiming your business independence

Entrepreneurs are particularly independent. No matter how risky starting a business seems, for entrepreneurs, it is the route to the pursuit of happiness.However, while some started their companies to be independent, many may have lost that freedom along the way. If you allowed yourself to become subject to the petty demands of your business, it…

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How to stop wasting time in meetings

While many can agree that the majority of business meetings are a waste of time, in some companies, meetings are inevitable. But even though people working in these organisations cannot simply ‘quit’ having meetings, there are ways they can reduce the time-wasting drain that converts a short 15-minute meeting, into an hour of wasted productivity.…

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