Choosing the right business location

When setting up your business, choosing a location can be a critical factor in its success. Each organisation has varying requirements, so it is necessary to consider your needs and priorities when deciding on a business premises that will best suit you. Know your business:The types of premises will depend on your business. Businesses that…

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Common mistakes to avoid when launching a business

Starting a new business is an exciting time for many entrepreneurs. However, there are 5 common mistakes many new business owners make. By being aware of these mistakes that may occur when starting a business, you will increase your chances of success and remove the risk of your new venture turning into a failure. Being…

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Handling negative feedback

Customer complaints are an inevitable part of running a business. How you handle negative feedback can help or hinder retaining existing customers. Complaints can be a great learning tool for businesses looking to improve their services, products, customer satisfaction and overall competitive edge. Poorly handled complaints can see customers withdraw their business and encourage others…

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Accounting during every stage of business

Professional help with accounting and financial decisions is useful at every stage of business. Accountants can assist with a variety of tasks during different periods of operation within your business to improve strategies for long term stability. Having a dedicated accountant gives you more freedom to concentrate on running other aspects of the company. Starting…

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Raising early stage capital in your business

Raising capital is a step that every startup faces. When a business is brand new, the question of how to get money must be addressed. If you intend to launch a business that needs significant capital expenditure, such as a retail business or a company that employs several other people, then you won’t get far…

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Before selling your business

Deciding to move on from your business can impact a lot of different people. When selling your business, you will need to consider the effects on all areas of operation from the actual transfer of ownership to the impact on day to day operations. While it is easy to get caught up in the price…

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Challenges your business can face

Owning and running a small business comes with positives and negatives that maintain a balance. When the negative elements start to outweigh the positives, you have a problem. Every business will face challenges along the way, the trick is knowing what they are and how to deal with them. Clients and customer service:A business is…

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What advertising avenue is best for you?

Without exposure, businesses would come and go very quickly. In this new digital age, there are even more options for how you want to advertise your business. There are a variety of resources, all priced differently so you can pay as much as you want or nothing at all. You will need to be aware…

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